In the climactic final scene of the 1995 crime/horror thriller “Seven,” terrified rookie detective David Mills (Brad Pitt) famously asks Detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman), “WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!”
You won’t find any 30 year-old movie spoilers in this blog post, but if you’ve ever looked at the LRP Arrow Package from TAC Vanes and wondered What’s in the box? then you’re in luck. Because in this video we’re showing you the goods.
About the LRP Arrow System
A revolution for hunting, TAC’s LRP arrow system solves the current frustrations with the typical micro-diameter arrow with weakness in the connection point. With the LRP patented system, the Terminal Collar provides 2x the durability of standard 8-32 screw-in inserts. It also boasts an incredibly sleek look with all components fitting together seamlessly.
Each LRP arrow is built with the highest-quality components:
- Swhacker LRP Broadhead: with blade-align and blade-lock technology, a reinforced ribbed ferrule, carbide chisel tip, and arced .032” blade thickness
- Terminal Collar: for maximum strength and durability (2x the durability of standard 8-32 screw-in inserts)
- TAC 2.75 Driver Vanes: for a straighter trajectory and optimum stiffness to reduce draff and maintain downrange speed
- Your choice of Altra .166 Centrum Premier or Gold Tip Pierce Platinum shafts